澳洲著名葡萄酒作家和评论家JEREMY OLIVER

杯酒人生 特级酒庄庄主

发表于:2010/10/13 16:14:40  |  最后修改于:2010/10/13 16:15:46





Jeremy Oliver is one of Australia’s foremost wine critics and educators and is this country’s most influential wine presence throughout the Asian region The author of 22 books including The Australian Wine Annual and Enjoying Wine With Jeremy, the first wine book by a westerner in Chinese for the Chinese market, he contributes to publications throughout Australia, China, Russia, Japan, Singapore and Korea. Fully independent, he was named the inaugural Wine Writer of the Year in 2005 by the widely circulated Australian Wine Selector magazine.

Now in his twenty-sixth year as a professional wine author and commentator, Jeremy is Australia’s foremost wine presenter. He is a regular host of corporate and wine-related events around Australia and from New York to Shanghai.

A qualified winemaker, Jeremy became the world’s youngest published wine author in 1984 with the release of his first book, Thirst for Knowledge.
 He is also the author of Evans on Earth, a biography of the late Len Evans and has written for dozens of publications in many countries including the UK, the US, Russia, Korea, Singapore, Japan and China. He appears regularly on the Australian Business Channel and has made hundreds of other appearances on radio and television.

Jeremy also operates his own wine information website, jeremyoliver.com.



杰里米.奥利弗不仅是当今澳大利亚最具影响力的葡萄酒作家、评论家,也是澳大利亚在全球范围内最活跃和最重要的葡萄酒大使之一。他已经出版了22本书,包括著名的《澳大利亚葡萄酒年鉴》(The Australian Wine Annual)和《和杰里米一起乐享葡萄酒》(Enjoying Wine With Jeremy)。《和杰里米一起乐享葡萄酒》(Enjoying Wine With Jeremy)则是第一本由西方人专为中国市场所写的葡萄酒书籍。杰里米?奥利弗的书已经遍布澳大利亚、中国、俄国、日本、新加坡和韩国。作为一个拥有众多读者的独立作家,他曾被发行较广的《澳大利亚葡萄酒选择家》杂志(Australian Wine Selector Magazine)评为2005年年度葡萄酒作家。


作为一名合格的酿酒师,Jeremy在1984年出版了他的第一本书专著:《渴望知识》(Thirst for Knowledge )并因此成为了世界上最年轻的葡萄酒作家。
他还是叙述已故葡萄酒界传奇人物Len Evans一生的传记的作者,书名为《完全埃文斯》(Evans on Earth)。此外,杰里米?奥利弗在其20多年的专业葡萄酒评论家生涯中为世界多个国家(英国,美国,俄国,日本,韩国、新加坡、中国等)的几十家出版社写过文章,除了定期参加澳洲商业频道的节目外外,亦多次亮相各大电台和电视台。

猪头 第四级酒庄庄主

回复于:2010/10/13 16:17:31

来自:猪头 1楼


Koala 葡萄农奴

回复于:2010/10/13 21:00:28

来自:Koala 2楼

我喜欢Jeremy Oliver的英文书《Australian Wine Annual》,属于口袋丛书系列,简单易懂。中文版的《和Jeremy Oliver乐享葡萄酒》延续了这种风格,无论内容和价格都是平易近人,我买了很多送给朋友。=)

Koala 葡萄农奴

回复于:2010/10/13 21:05:50

来自:Koala 3楼


Koala 葡萄农奴

回复于:2010/10/13 21:12:53

来自:Koala 4楼

一个喜欢宝马车的朋友送我的礼物,听说Jeremy Oliver自己也是宝马车的Fans

姐姐妹妹 葡萄农奴

回复于:2010/10/13 21:19:42

来自:姐姐妹妹 5楼

我也在机场买过这本中文书,候机的时候偶然买的,对于我这种入门级别的wine drinker居然都看的懂。真是难得呀。果然像楼上说到的,平易近人。很喜欢。。。。

大番薯 第五级酒庄庄主

回复于:2010/10/13 23:19:36

来自:大番薯 6楼

The Australian Wine Annual在哪里能买到?

Koala 葡萄农奴

回复于:2010/10/16 13:48:25

来自:Koala 7楼

正常版本的《australian wine annual》最近的地方是香港可以买到。中国大陆没有发行。上面我贴出来的,是Jeremy在澳洲为BMW印刷的特别版本,我上次在澳洲朋友送了一本,收藏。

大番薯 第五级酒庄庄主

回复于:2010/10/16 16:42:03

来自:大番薯 8楼


Koala 葡萄农奴

回复于:2010/10/17 20:38:23

来自:Koala 9楼

是的,从84年开始出的,每年一本,三周前是11年的全球发行。我有84年到11年的全系列。 (小臭美一下)据我所知,没有550那么贵。Jeremy 在中国有个代理,Godolphin,你找他们应该可以买到。

