木桐酒庄; 奥比昂酒庄; 雄狮酒庄

发表于:2010/9/21 15:05:55  |  最后修改于:2010/9/21 15:05:55


木桐酒庄是唯一一个自1855年列级酒庄分级后升级为一级名庄的酒庄。木桐酒庄位于 一个小丘陵上,这个叫“木桐”的小山丘,以前可能很适合牧羊,否则不会以“绵羊”为地名,更不会成为木桐酒庄的logo。此园开园甚早,在15世纪已有记 载,在15世纪中叶一度是英国国王亨利五世的幼弟格罗切斯特公爵的领地。1853年让售给银行业巨子罗施柴尔德家族纳撒尼尔男爵,原称之为“布兰.木桐” 的园名亦改为“木桐.罗施柴尔德”。1973年正式升级为一级列级酒庄。 木桐葡萄园的土地最早称为Motte,意为土坡。这些微微起伏的坡地硕石层非常深,有的地方可达12米,历来被认为可以种出最好的葡萄,酿出最好的酒。酒 庄现在拥有82公顷葡萄园,平均树龄45年。

1855年奥比昂酒庄被评为波尔多列级名庄中四个一级名庄之一,也是唯一一个在梅多 克地区以外的一级名庄。奥比昂酒庄位于离波尔多市中心五公里的一市属小区贝沙克的中心。于十四世纪已开始种植酿酒葡萄。她名副其实地成为酿酒酒庄应该是从 1525年开始。现在由卢森堡王子以及美国的狄龙家族经营。奥比昂酒庄内有43公顷种植红葡萄另有2.7公顷种植白葡萄赛美容和长相思两种,是五大名庄里 最小的一个酒庄,表层土壤为砂砾石土,次层土壤为黏土。平均树龄为36岁

雄狮酒庄是梅多克地区列级酒庄最大最古老的酒庄之一。雄狮酒庄拥有97公顷的葡萄 园,坐落在被石墙所包围的砾石及粘土的土壤之上。它的酒里最主要的葡萄品种是赤霞珠,占了65%。葡萄酒储存在80%的新橡木桶内进行18个月的成熟。虽 然雄狮酒庄以二级酒庄自居但是其出产的酒的品质绝对可以和一级酒庄的葡萄酒相媲美。

黑衣骑士 第四级酒庄庄主

回复于:2010/9/21 15:07:17

来自:黑衣骑士 1楼


kevin 第三级酒庄庄主

回复于:2010/9/21 15:11:09

来自:kevin 2楼

HQ 你很犀利吗,忘记历史上英法的联姻了吗? 统治确实不是个好词语,我觉得间接控制还可以。

taotaofeng 第三级酒庄庄主

回复于:2010/9/21 15:17:14

来自:taotaofeng 3楼


Researching the very early history of the Mouton-Rothschild estate is rather like peering into a murky pool; there is nothing untoward, but information from before the 18th century is rather sparse. Like many local estates it seems that in the pre-viticultural days it was in the ownership of a local seigneurie, in this case the Pons de Castillon, a knight who was in residence here as early as 1311. It was subsequently confiscated from this family and in the early 15th century was gifted to the Duke of Gloucester, younger brother to the English Regent, Henry V. Following the defeat of the English that marked the end of the Hundred Years' War, however, the estate (along with the rest of Bordeaux) came to the French, in this particular case the Foix family. Over the ensuing centuries the estate had a number of owners, and was, albeit briefly, once part of the awe-inspiring Ségur estate (which also included Lafite, Latour and Calon-Ségur, to name just a small portion of it), following its purchase by the Prince of Vines, otherwise known as Nicolas-Alexandre de Ségur, in 1718.
